Saturday, January 19, 2013

I'll Do It Tomorrow...

     I think that procrastination is one of the biggest challenges I face on a day-to-day basis, and it’s been this way for as long as I can remember. In high school, I don’t think I ever started an assignment or started studying for a test earlier than the night before. I could never get myself to sit still and focus long enough to be productive if there wasn’t the pressure of an impending deadline forcing me to do so. I now know that this is largely because of ADHD, but at the time it seemed like laziness or indifference. This also explains why I was able to focus for hours when I was pressured into completing an assignment---ADHD can cause periods of hyperfocus during which you can literally tune the entire world out and be concerned solely with the task at hand (imagine how productive we’d be if we could bring about this level of focus at will). Moving on to university, I still could not get myself to start an assignment if it wasn’t due the next day and trying to study for exams was a nightmare (I often wonder whether I would have done better in school had I been diagnosed earlier, not that I did badly per se). Unfortunately for me, this was compounded by my depressive episodes during which I was completely apathetic and struggled to get out of bed.  

     And now I’m in grad school where procrastination is not an option if you actually plan on completing your degree in a respectable amount of time. Every day I fight against my desire to put work off for “just another hour.” The only problem is that that extra hour becomes two, and then three, and then it becomes tomorrow, or maybe the day after that. Waiting until the last minute to complete an assignment or study for an exam is not the best strategy, but it is doable. Waiting until the last minute to complete all your experiments? No amount of hyperfocus is going to get you out of that grind. You may as well just drop out and save yourself the tuition, that is, if your advisor hasn’t sent you out on your ass already. Procrastination is just not an option at this point in my life and I’ve determined that I need to do something about it. Maybe I’ll look into that later today, no make it tomorrow, ok maybe next week.

     My therapist told me about this website,, that’s all about living with adult ADHD and there is a three-part blog posting that talks about procrastination and how to start getting out of that habit. It talks about changing your mindset when it comes to work, chores, etc. so that you no longer see these everyday tasks as grueling, and also by thinking of what you get to do after (leisure activities) as your reward for completing the tasks. In theory, this is a great idea, but how many of us are actually capable of changing our own mindset without some sort of external praise, or maybe a drill sergeant screaming at us. Although these blog posts are always in my mind, I don’t seem to be able to actually do what they’re suggesting. Instead I came up with my own method: quitting cold turkey. I tried to become my own drill sergeant, telling myself to “DO IT NOW!” rather than sit and watch TV or waste hours surfing the net. Unfortunately, quitting cold turkey requires A LOT of willpower and my inevitable disaster of a method stopped working after about a week. There are a number of other strategies out there for people with ADHD such as making to-do lists, learning time management skills, etc. but I’m not at a point where I’m willing to put in the effort, partially because I can’t see myself ever overcoming my inherent tendency to procrastinate. Hopefully I get past this stage soon, otherwise I’m toast. 

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